Thats All Folks Clip

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Thats All Folks Clip

That's all Folks! Is the Looney Tunes signature closing sequence. It was first used by Bosko and more commonly by Porky Pig in the Golden Age of Animation, before the. A Krishna Font more.

Title: THATS ALL FOLKS ' ' ' 1 THATS ALL FOLKS... 2 Drop me a postcard... • Today • Conclude CMC Your Interpersonal Relationships • Tie it all together • Final Exam Review • Turn in Final Essays • FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE • Final Exam Review posted to course web site tomorrow (Thurs) at noon • Final exam next Tuesday, Dec. 16, 800 1000 am (in this room) 3 The FinalControversy o the Day • Team A • Marco Arras • Songlee Han • Xiaochu Hu • Tiara Williamson 4 Generic Ballot • A.

YES / Agree • B. NO / Disagree • 5 Virtual Affair leads to Real Split! 6 When does online experimenting become online cheating • Cheating with someone online • Is the same (just as bad) as cheating with another person in real life • 81 • Is NOT the same (is NOT as bad) as cheating with another person in real life • 19 7 An end-of-the-semester treatEnjoy... 8 Carnegie Mellon Study Reveals Negative Potential of Heavy Internet Use On Emotional Well Being • Declines in talking among family members • Reductions in the number of friends and acquaintances maintained • Increases in depression and loneliness 9 Do you have an Internet Addiction? • 50 of the people on-line lie about their age, weight, job, marital status and gender.

• 20 of the people going on-line will experience clear negative impacts to their life. • Use of the Internet is a contributing factor in nearly 50 of all family, relationship and family problems. • 11 of the people going on-line are becoming compulsive or addicted. 10 Cyber Suicide 11 The dangers of technology?!? 12 CMC Interpersonal Communication • Research Question • What happens to the process of interpersonal communication when all the predictable nonverbal cues facial expression, vocal tone, eye contact, or touch are unavailable? • (Walther studies) 13 The Yes No of CMC Interpersonal Communication • Cues Filtered Out • --Nope Virtua Tennis 4 Pc Highly Compressed. ... CMC not as good as F-t-F • II.

Social Information Processing • --Yep... CMC just as good or better than F-t-F 14 I. Cues Filtered Out Perspective • Media Richness Hierarchy • RICH - - F-t-F • / - - - Phone • / - - - E-Mail (chat) • / - - - Note • / - - - Letter • LEAN - - Formal Report • 15 Richness is Filtered Out with CMC • CMC restricts immediate feedback • CMC lacks needed nonverbal cues • CMC distorts person-centered focus • (may encourage inappropriate personal disclosure) 16 Cues Filtered Out Perspective Conclusions • Is CMC as rich as F-t-F / as good or as real as F-t-F interpersonal communication? • NO • BUT we do attempt to make CMC more • personal by adapting message activity to the • culture of the Internet medium •..... Social Information Processing • Major Assumptions • CMC can be used as a tool to develop social relationships • Normal interpersonal development in CMC happens, but temporally retarded • KEY Is there anticipated future interaction? is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website.

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