Program From Notepad
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El Yo Dividido Pdf Descargar. Notepad++: a free source code editor which supports several programming languages running under the MS Windows environment. How to Set Notepad++ as the Default Editor in Windows. For more tips on using Notepad, check out Turn on Spell Check in Notepad++. About Vishwanath Dalvi.
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First option: (Easiest, recommended) Open Notepad++. On the menu go to: Run ->Run. Type in: C: Python26 python.exe '$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)' Now, instead of pressing run, press save to create a shortcut for it. Notes • If you have Python 3.1: type in Python31 instead of Python26 • Add -i if you want the command line window to stay open after the script has finished Second option Use a batch script that runs the Python script and then create a shortcut to that from Notepad++.
As explained here: Third option: (Not safe) The code opens “HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Python PythonCore”, if the key exists it will get the path from the first child key of this key. Check if this key exists, and if does not, you could try creating it.
While this answer (#3) seems to be the most common one I've found on the web, it doesn't work well for me. The problem is that it runs everything in the Notepad++ directory. Thus, I've come up with the following solution: cmd /c 'taskkill /F /IM python.exe & cd $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) & C: Python27 python.exe -i '$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) $(FILE_NAME)' This runs the code in the correct folder, as well as leaves an interpreter open after execution. Further, it will close any other open python windows you have that you might have neglected to close, as I frequently do. – Jan 13 '16 at 19:58 •. This is a nice concise answer and I've referred my interns to it when they go to set up NPP for Python development.
But they were consistently having trouble understanding where to type the command, so I added a graphic to reinforce your (clear to me) instructions. They also had some trouble getting the fact that the first part of the command, C: Python27 python.exe had to vary to reflect where their own Python was installed but that the second half, -i '$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)', was magic that needed to be typed just as is. – Dec 15 '16 at 19:30. I wish people here would post steps instead of just overall concepts. I eventually got the cmd /k version to work. The step-by-step instructions are: • In NPP, click on the menu item: Run • In the submenu, click on: Run • In the Run. Dialog box, in the field The Program to Run, delete any existing text and type in: cmd /K '$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)' The /K is optional, it keeps open the window created when the script runs, if you want that.