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January 10, 2018 At this time of year, many of us resolve to get more exercise and lose weight. If you are enrolled in a HealthSelect plan, you can sign up for the following programs to help you meet your goals.
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Fitness HealthSelect participants and their covered dependents (age 18 and older) can go to more than 9,000 fitness centers in the country. The fee is $25 per month with a $25 enrollment fee. There are no contracts and members can cancel at any time.
HealthSelect participants who sign up for earn points by going to the gym. Learn more on the Fitness Program page of the HealthSelect website. Weight management There are now two online weight management programs with HealthSelect—Real Appeal and Naturally Slim. If you are enrolled in one of the HealthSelect plans administered by BCBSTX, both programs are offered at no cost to you, your covered spouses (as defined by law) and dependents 18 or over with a BMI of 23 and higher, subject to eligibility. Only one program can be chosen at a time. 2350 Driver Lexmark here. Clinicians and coaches teach people how to lose weight and improve their health by thinking about how and when they eat rather than what they eat. Participants learn how to enjoy the foods they love and still lose weight.