Tomtom New Zealand Map
MAP DATA DETAILED. Maps have long been used as a navigation guide for travelers and explorers. For the last few years however, the usage and development of maps have taken an incredible leap forward.
I received an email stating that New maps for New Zealand are now available for download. When I go into download it all I get is a New Version of My Dr. Update your map or buy a new travel map. TomTom Maps Automotive. Map of New Zealand. Hello, I have a TomTom XL and I bought a New Zealand map, but it came with problems! When I installed it, I just could put the address with the city and. Can I download New Zealand Maps on a Start 25? If not, why not? The Tom Tom Website is not at all helpful.
With everyone and everything becoming connected, location data has become more relevant and important than ever before. With this increased reliance on maps, comes an increase in expectations of the use cases the map has to support and the freshness and the level of detail it can provide.
Wolfmannz wrote: I wouldn't download the NZ Maps they are so far out of date after Tom Tom stuffed up the last map. We are still waiting for a new Map for NZ. Hopefully Tom Tom will be making sure NZ Map payers are compensated. Hi This is an other example why the FORUM needs a 'Known Technical Problems' Sticky list. The list may get bigger and smaller that is GREAT and can be managed.
It should not to be used as a whish list, as we have got heaps of them BUT right now I can think of a couple, and please help HERE. Maps, the ones that did not get updated the season NZ.
•Europe map (compatible with GO 40/400, GO50/500/510/5000/5100, GO60/600/610/6000/6100) will stay on version 9.46. V950 map for these devices is planned to be released in end of June (subject to change). •Europe map (compatible with Rider 40/400) will stay on version 9.45. •Europe v950 (compatible with START 40/50/60) will be released later. Update: This was released on May 25th. •New Zealand Map will stay on version 9.40.
Train Simulator Pc Game. A new version to fix the speed limits is planned to be released in end of June (subject to change). Zsolt and ALL Look thanks for the link but it is not working, for the users. They do not see how to use it as just directs them to a link with no answers. Not an indication as to when their Maps might/ may be updated. May be I have raised it in the wrong place. So should I post the plea in a different topic? These sort of things should not come from users.
But from the Forum TomTom Team. Yes we all know most of the traits of each device, ONLY the TomTom team knows what is currently working or not. I would like to get help from the rest of the forum to get this to happen. 'Known Technical Problems' As A top sticky I may be wrong, You The forum we speak. 'What Do you Want' Regards Wayne.