Pc Games Direct Blog
Peter 'Durante' Thoman is the creator of PC downsampling tool and the modder behind Dark Souls' DSfix. Remote Mouse Pro Apk Cracked Games 4 more. He has previously analyzed PC ports of,, and more. This article has recently been updated with new information about the first DX12 games. The release of Windows 10 marked the first time the broad PC gaming public have access to a low-level, cross-vendor graphics API. Tomtom Chinese Voice Guide. Nsw Cursive Font here.
Ever since AMD first presented Mantle in 2013, there’s been a lot of back and forth discussion on how significant the gains to be made by low-level APIs really are for games. Opinions range from considering it nothing less than a revolution in graphics processing, to little more than an overblown marketing campaign. This article aims to provide a level-headed outlook on what exactly DirectX12 will offer for gamers, in which situations, and when we will see these gains. One of the first OpenGL 1.0 sample applications, 1995. To explain not just the what, but also the why of it, I’ll detail the tradeoffs involved in various API design decisions, and the historical growth that led to the current state of the art. This will get technical.