Hasp Sentinel
Dongle: Safenet Sentinel HL Known VID / PID: Vendor: 0x529 Product: 0x1 Device: 0x425 Vendor: 0x529 Product: 0x3 Device: 0x427 Vendor: Driver: Features: USB Dongles Multiplatform dongle Unique 32-Bit ID Secure Communication Channel AES 128-Bit Encryption 64,000 Encryption Keys 4KB Protected Read / Write Memory 2KB Read Only Memory (ROM) 4KB Backwards Compatibility Memory 26KB Additional memory (in Driverless configuration) Remote Update Description: Last generation of SafeNet software protection dongles. Can work in Driver mode or HID Mode (Driverless). New vendor library implementation is based on White-box cryptography.
DESCRIPTION: VERSION: PRODUCT: OPERATING SYSTEM: SIZE: RELEASED: Sentinel HASP LDK Ubuntu, DEB Run-time Installer: 7.63: Sentinel HASP, HASP HL, HASP4, Hardlock. DESCRIPTION: VERSION: PRODUCT: OPERATING SYSTEM: SIZE: RELEASED: Sentinel HASP LDK - C Run-time Install API: 7. Cyanogenmod 10 Galaxy S3 International there. 63: Sentinel HASP, HASP HL, HASP4, Hardlock, Sentinel LDK.
Driverless Sentinel HL support onboard code execution and extra memory for developer. Dongle emulator: For create backup / emulator need: Dongle dump ( ) or USBTrace logs ( ) Software distributive / setup files (upload to or or ) Software tested with Sentinel HL dongle emulator: Under construction!
Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 @ 6:05 pm.