Bluetooth Serial Connection Matlab Student
I am trying to use the SSP as a COM port to receive data from MCU. I have to try many times to connect to the COM port, but it often failed to open.The version is R2013a and the codes are as below: s=serial('COM4'); fopen(s); Sometimes it would work,but usually failed and get errors: Open failed: Port: COM4 is not available. Available ports: COM4, COM5. Toshiba Laptop Mouse Pad Not Working Windows 8 on this page. Use INSTRFIND to determine if other instrument objects are connected to the requested device. Sometime I get this: Open failed: Cannot connect to the COM4 port. Possible reasons are another application is connected to the port or the port does not exist.
Arduino bluetooth connection in Simulinkconnecting matlab and simulink. I have developed a system using signal processing technique. It will give string value as. Arduino bluetooth connection in Simulinkconnecting matlab and simulink. I have developed a system using signal processing technique. It will give string value as. Arduino bluetooth connection in Simulinkconnecting matlab and simulink. I have developed a system using signal processing technique. It will give string value as.
I use instrhwinfo('serial') to check whether the COM4 is available, and I could find the COM4 is in AvailableSerialPorts list.Even when the COM4 is not in AvailableSerialPorts list, sometimes I can still connect. I was so confused. Here describe a similar problem, but I can't get any data using data=fgets(b); What's more I need to configure the COM ports like BaudRate,DataBits,StopBits.But I can't find these properties in bluetooth! This may be because you're not closing the serial connection after using it. After you open a serial connection and read from it, you need to close it before you can open and read from it again. So something like this should work every time: s=serial('COM4'); fopen(s); fgets(s); fclose(s); If you have an error and your script stops before reaching the fclose line, then you can use the following 2 commands to clear the open serial ports. Newobjs = instrfind; fclose(newobjs) That should fix that problem.:).
I have some sensors with Bluetooth SPP connections. I cannot seem to get MATLAB Serial IO to work with them. The 'Standard Serial over Bluetooth link' COM port entries are available in Device Manager, the port settings (in Device Manager and the MATLAB serial function call) are correct. On using fopen() the error seen is that the requested com port is not available. This is confirmed using instrhwinfo('serial') as the requested COM port is not in the list.
I know the Bluetooth SPP is working because the only way I could get the devices working with MATLAB was to use a third party com2tcp forwarder, then use MATLAB's tcpip function to access the port. However, this is not ideal since the com2tcp forwarder is not that reliable. I'd rather be using MATLAB's serial io. Could this be an issue with the java version being used? Version('-java') gives 'Java 1.6.0_24-b07 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpotâ„¢ 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode'. Crack Metro Last Light Read. My set up is Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit, MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) 64-bit.